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jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

Nadandolibre -The Bocaina 15 km at open sea Maraton swim Spain

· The Bocaina 15 km at open sea ·

The Bocaina 15 km offshore.

From the moment a swimmer makes the decision to go swimming in the 15km of the Bocaina, your thoughts go in a comprehensible way to know that swimming in a great openwater swim in the Atlantic Ocean.
The strong currents, big waves, turtles, sunfish, sharks and thousands of marine species coexist in this special narrow the Bocaina.
Fellowship and expressions of knowing that the trial open water swim make this trip a special bond among the participants. Swimmers go for a swim in groups according to their speed and experience so they would swim the crossing at great distance in sea safely.
The life and thought are inseparable, the voice goes to a third plane as all involved have ever encountered in the real Atlantic blue silence, concentration, and swimming.
The simple thoughts are inexpressible at times. But honest eyes turn and swimming becomes precise, elegant and harmonious relationship between the participants.
All they will swim the Bocaina, embark on a great adventure, and a special trip and demanding when it comes to where preparation and training are concerned. This preparation involves the virtue of patience, hoping to be well enough to swim with audacity ..
The reflections spring up in the excitement of those brave souls who enjoy the aquatic incarnation is necessary to swim in the 15km open water.


Interview with the organizers of the crossing:
Club Triatlón Vulcano sports coordinator and finisher of The Bocaina Oliver Acuna .
Javier Sanz swimmer/ finisher The Bocaina 2011 and current sports director of Club Natación Alcobendas.

· Jose Diaz ·

Jose Diaz · Can you tell us how did this magnificent journey? Who was the first swimmer who succeeded in this crossing? What is the true story of this journey?

Club Triatlón Vulcano · To our knowledge, it was an English swimmer named Edgar Ette, a resident on the island of Lanzarote and adventures sports lover, who one day decided to cross between the islands of Lanzarote, Fuerteventura alone, and as well did the circumnavigation of the island of Lanzarote in stages. To this, different from the feat of Edgar Ette, one day there was a conversation between members of the Club Triatlón Vulcano who wanted to do something that would appeal to the media and as public institutions see to the need of a public 50 meters swimmingpool, where the lovers of swimming, triathlon, elderly go for medical advice. Well it was worth and remains so to this day 12 years later. They built a pool with a glass of 25mtrs, and knew that demand would exist. They even went to talk shows, where talked about what was happening, crowded pool of users, people on the waiting list months ...

Jose Diaz · What is the percentage of swimmers who succesfully finished this demanding test?

Club Triatlón Vulcano · The percentage is high, for all those involved in crossing the Bocaina, come well prepared physically. To this, 92% participation achieves the other side, if the weather permits.

Jose Diaz · What are the main tips that a swimmer must follow to succeed in this majestic journey?

Club Triatlón Vulcano ·Well, from our point of view with the experience of participating in it and also organized it. You must have a good volume of meters made prior to participation, by level of swimmer and athlete type (for pure swimmers participating, and triathletes combining more activities). Ideally, a training plan from 5 months if you start from the off-season and between 3 to 4 months if you are normally doing triathlons, and a occaisional summer openwater. The ideal preparation for those who can combine swimming with sea would be as follows. A easy training preparation, but always to start with a pre-season training, 5 to 6 km in the pool with technique, strength of arms with blades or rubbers. Another training in the sea (this training will become the longest starting from 4 to 5 km, which gradually over the weeks will increase the meters (1km each week more), and combining different sea circumstances: calm, with waves, against the current. Third training section back to the pool, going from 5 to 6km or an early-morning double training with a 3km training and an afternoon with about 2.5km. Here we do specific (quality) training we would do short work combined series + Resistance Force, and other longer series, resistance, and variety not always giving combined monotony sets. A fourth section 4 to 5km could be combined with a foot race or output 1h bike. (this last would be more fun for triathletes combining sports and forgeting some of the strokes)

Jose Diaz · How to start dating is advisable to register to avoid running out of space?

Club Triatlón Vulcano · Today registrations for the Bocaina Crossing opens the second Monday in May. (May 14, 2012) Places are limited, the degree of difficulty and safety test involves organizing many meters away and offshore.

Jose Diaz · How have you experienced the growth of the discipline of open water from the beginning to the present days? Is there a big difference in enrollment since you started until now?

Club Triatlón Vulcano · There has been very strong growth in participation in this type of event, as a result, we have created other long-distance swims on Spanish territory. The Travesia Bocaina in the beginning, involved only 20 to 30 swimmers, and each year has increasing interest, getting more and more swimmers, reaching as in the last edition 2011 to 130 participants.

Nadandolibre · Current Swimming Club director of Club Natación Alcobendas, active open water swimmer and "ex" triathlete, can you tell us about your story and your passion for sports and how you came to swimming in open water?

Javier Sanz · I think it was in 92 when I started in triathlon and the following year when I ran my first championship of Spain, we were a few, we knew each other. Almost like openwater swimming now, but this year I have noticed a significant increase in participants. These were the years that started clubs like the CTOA.
At the end of November 2006, after 24 races in that year in the Canal de Isabel between duathlons and triathlons I broke my fibula and after a year and two operations later left the high-level competition.
Only swimming and cycling at Club Natación Alcobendas until a friend convinced me to swim in Valencia at theTravesía de Oliva (it has a fantastic triathlon) that weekend swam 3 crossings, Oliva morning, afternoon Guadalest and on Sunday in Las Palmeras . I entered fully into the club of "enfermos" (addicts). Meet and swim with the whole group of Valencians including Selina Moreno or Elena Borja was the best thing that could happen to me swimming without quavers.

Nadandolibre · How did you experience this crossing? Can you describe in a little story how you experienced it?

Javier Sanz · The personal experience even though they say this year has been the hardest in recent years has been extraordinary. I swam very comfortable from the start in a group that was not going fast so it wasn't physically demanding and I could enjoy the ride and look around me like at a sea training. I know there were people who had a hard time, others withdrew because of dizziness and vomiting but I enjoyed it and save the last 2000m of the currents was smiling all the way.

Nadandolibre · think that this journey can be very hard and complicated for inexperienced swimmers?

Javier Sanz · I think it is not the pool, or even the distance, the sea has its rules and will decide. I think no one should do a whole marathon before doing a half.

Nadandolibre · On a scale of 0 to 10 in difficulty to situate this journey?

Javier Sanz · It is difficult as easy a question Jose! If I go in the fastest group certainly say 9 or 10. Is necessary to know yourself and swim according to your time hardness is when the sacrifice-satisfaction equation block us.

Nadandolibre · Why did you decide to do this great openwater swim?

Javier Sanz · As good for triathlon is the IM Lanzarote, the Bocaina is the openwater swim in Spain. When you take some time doing hiking and listening, speaking with "addicts" who have swum . .. the swim! Something of 80% of those who have swum this year 2011 are repeaters. This passage is the reference.

Nadandolibre · To what extent at this wonderful impressive swim in deep blue have you seen Aquatic animals at the crossing?

Javier Sanz · It's amazing, what more! When it's cloudy visibility in the water is very high and swim with more people and support vessels gives you great confidence. The whet water allowed me to see a beautiful turtle, apparently the most elusive of the local fauna. The kayaker told me it was my lucky day.
In most coastal areas soles and stripes are frequently seen, but it was now not the case.

Nadandolibre · Best of the voyage and the worst?

Javier Sanz · The best without a doubt, the support and encouragement of my friends, especially my family who supported me all the time.
The worst thing to say to Tiago, canoeing guide, to stay with Naomi and the other swimmer who was with us. In the area was a lot of current and I wasbarely moving, I decided to swim at my top to exit that area, I could not wait for anyone, I swam without moving for 10 min, that were the last 1500m. Later I heard that some swimmers were removed from the area to be dropped a few meters ahead.

Nadandolibre · What volume of meters, training and open water tests you need to swim and enjoy throughout the test?

Javier Sanz · The record is important in any sport to see results, contrary to what might perish did not swim too, 3 days a week between 3,500 and 4,500 m. Now, if it is true that many weekends swimming in sea continuous sessions of an hour or two. The last month did not come down from 15000 m to the week and train at sea for almost three hours.
Among the trips that I've swum this year I can enumerate, Cullera 10km, 5km Denia, Benidorm Island, Javea 5km and I remember after finishing point I returned to the swimming another 5km ... Many early mornings!

Nadandolibre · How many openwater swims you've swum and is this the longest and most complicated?

Javier Sanz · The longer without doubt the most uncomfortable complicated by the local fauna was the 10km Cullera.

Nadandolibre · What advice would you give to those who mainly want to enjoy this majestic cruise Bocaina?

Javier Sanz · The advice I give is that you tested all. Goggles, wetsuits, breakfast, gels or biodramina if dizzy. Do not improvise anything the day of the test. Details like wearing glasses too tight can result in severe pain, a neoprene too small may not appreciate swimming in an hour but more than two may end up with an overload on the shoulder not to mention the dreaded chafing at the neck. I would tell them to swim long courses at sea and in groups. The yellow cap is the better than it looks and if you carry a bolla even better.

See you in the sea!

Jose Diaz ·Special thanks to:

El Club Triatlón Vulcano Oliver Acuña sports director de la Travesía La Bocaina Deportista y Finisher La Bocaina.

And to Javier Sanz sports director del Club natación Alcobendas and Finisher La Bocaina 2011.

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011

Travesía de La Bocaina, 15 km en mar abierto.

Nadandolibre · La Bocaina 15 km en mar abierto ·

La Bocaina 15 km en mar abierto.

Desde el momento en que un nadador toma la decisión de ir a nadar en los 15km de la Bocaina, sus pensamientos pasan de forma comprensible a saber que nadara en una grandiosa travesía en aguas del Océano Atlántico. Las fuertes corrientes, grandes olas, tortugas, peces luna, tiburones y miles de especies marinas coexisten en este especial estrecho de la Bocaina. Las expresiones el compañerismo y el juicio de saber que nadaran en mar abierto hacen de esta travesía una unión especial, entre los participantes. Los nadadores salen a nadar en grupos según su velocidad y experiencia como cuales peces lo harían para atravesar una gran distancia en mar abierto de forma segura.

La vida, y el pensamiento son inseparables, la voz pasa a un tercer plano pues todos los que participan se han encontrado alguna vez con el verdadero azul del Atlántico silencio, concentración y natación.
El pensamiento más sencillo resulta inexpresable en ciertas ocasiones. Pero las miradas se vuelven sinceras y la natación pasa a ser precisa, elegante y armoniosa entre los participantes.
Todos los que van a nadar a la Bocaina, se embarcan en una gran aventura, y un viaje especial y exigente en lo que a preparación y entrenamiento se refiere. Esta preparación lleva consigo la virtud de la paciencia esperando estar lo suficientemente bien para nadar con audacia.
Las reflexiones y la excitación brotan en las almas de aquellos valientes que disfrutan de la encarnación acuática que es necesaria para poder nadar en los 15km de mar abierto.

Entrevista a los organizadores de la travesía:
Club Triatlón Vulcano
Oliver Acuña
Coordinador deportivo de la Travesía
La Bocaina y Finisher La Bocaina.

Y entrevista a:
Y a Javier Sanz nadador Finisher La Bocaina 2011 y actual director deportivo del Club natación Alcobendas.

José Díaz · ¿Como nació esta majestuosa travesía, quien fue el primer nadador que la conquisto, cual es la verdadera historia de esta travesía?

Club Triatlón Vulcano:: Según nuestro conocimiento, fue un nadador ingles llamado Edgar Ette, residente en la isla de Lanzarote y amante de los deportes aventura, un día decidió cruzar entre las islas de Lanzarote-Fuerteventura en solitario, así como también realizar la vuelta a la isla de Lanzarote por etapas. A ello y diferente a la hazaña de Edgar Ette, un día una conversación entre los miembros del Club Triatlón Vulcano, queríamos hacer algo que llamara la atención a los medios de comunicación y al igual a las instituciones pública en hacer ver la necesidad de proyectar una piscina pública de 50 metros, en donde los amantes a la natación, triatlón, personas mayores por recomendación médica. Pues era de pena, y sigue siendo al día de hoy 12 años después. Pues se construyó una piscina con un vaso de 25mtrs, y sabiamos que la demanda iba a existir, incluso yendo a debates televisivos, en donde anunciamos lo que está ocurriendo, piscina masificadas de usuarios, personas en lista de espera meses...

Jose Diaz · ¿Cual es el tanto por ciento de nadadores que consigue completar esta exigente prueba?

Club Triatlón Vulcano:El porcentaje es alto, pues todo aquellos que participan en Travesía la Bocaina, acuden bien preparados físicamente. A ello el 92% de la participación consigue alcanzar la otra orilla, siempre que la climatología lo permita.

Jose Diaz · ¿Cuales son los principales consejos que un nadador debe seguir para poder tener éxito en esta majestuosa travesía?

Club Triatlón Vulcano: Pues desde nuestro de punto de vista con la experiencia de participar en ella y también organizar. Se debe tener un buen volumen de metros realizado previo a la participación, según el nivel de nadador y el tipo de deportista (pues participan nadadores puros, y triatletas que combina más actividades). Lo ideal sería planificar unos entrenamientos entre 5 meses si se empieza desde fuera de temporada y entre 3 - 4 meses si vienes haciendo normalmente alguna disciplina como triatlón, y alguna travesía de verano. La sección ideal para aquellos que pueden combinar piscina con mar sería la siguiente. Una sección suave, pero siempre que se comience con una pre-secciones de inicio de pretemporada, de 5 a 6 km en piscina con técnica, fuerza de brazos con palas o gomas. Otra sección en mar( está sección se convertirá en la más larga comenzando entre 4 a 5 km, que progresivamente con el paso de las semanas irá aumentando los metros (cada semana 1km más), y combinando diferentes estado de mar, calma, con olas, contra corriente. Tercera sección vuelta a la piscina, volviendo de 5 a 6km o hacer doble sección una mañanera con una sección de 3km y otra de tarde con unos 2.5km. Aquí haríamos entrenamiento especifico (de calidad) haríamos combinación de series cortas trabajando Fuerza+Resistencia, y otras series más de larga, de resistencia, combinado siempre y no dando monotonía a las series. Una cuarta sección entre 4 a 5km que podría ser combinada con una carrera a pie de 1h o salida en bike. (ésto último si eres triatletas te resultará más divertido combinar deportes, y olvidar un poco las brazadas).

Jose Diaz · ¿En que fecha es aconsejable empezar a inscribirse para no quedarse sin plaza?

Club Triatlón Vulcano: A día de hoy las inscripciones para la Travesía la Bocaina abre el segundo lunes de Mayo. Las plazas son limitadas, por el grado de dificulta y seguridad que conlleva organizar una prueba de tantos metros de distancia y en mar abierto.

Jose Diaz · ¿Como habéis vivido el crecimiento de esta disciplina de aguas abiertas desde el comienzo hasta los días de hoy, hay una gran diferencia de inscripciones desde que comenzasteis hasta ahora?

Club Triatlón Vulcano: Ha sido muy grande el crecimiento de participación en éste tipo de eventos, pues a ello, se han creado otras travesía de larga distancia en territorio Español. La Travesía la Bocaina en sus comienzo, participaban sólo de 20 a 30 nadadores, y cada año aumentaba el interés, acudiendo así más y más nadadores, hasta llegar como en la última edición del 2011 a 130 participantes.

Entrevista con el actual director del Club natación Alcobendas,  Javier Sanz, nadador de aguas abiertas en activo y "ex" triatleta. 

Javier, ¿Puedes contarnos algo sobre tu historia como deportista y tu pasión por seguir diferentes caminos relacionados con la natación en aguas abiertas?

Javier Sanz · Creo que fue en el año 92 cuando me inicié en el triatlón y al año siguiente ya corrí mi primer campeonato de España absoluto,eramos pocos ,nos conocíamos todos. Casi como ahora en las travesías,aunque este año he notado un notable incremento de participantes. Eran los años en los que se iniciaban clubes como el CTOA.
A final de noviembre del 2006 , después de 24 competiciones en ese año con el canal de Isabel segunda entre duatlones y triatlones me rompí el peroné y tras un año y dos operaciones dejé la competición de alto nivel.

Sólo nadaba y montaba en bici en el Club Natación Alcobendas hasta que una amiga de Valencia me convenció para nadar la travesía de Oliva (tiene un triatlón fantástico) ese fin de semana nadamos 3 travesías ,por la mañana Oliva,por la tarde Guadalest y el domingo las Palmeras. Entré de lleno en el club de los "enfermos" .Conocer y nadar con todo este grupo de Valencianos incluida Selina Moreno o Elena Borja fue lo mejor que me pudo pasar para nadar sin corcheas.

Nadando Libre · Como ha sido vivir esta gran experiencia. ¿Puedes describirnos en un pequeño relato como has vivido toda la historia?

Javier Sanz · La experiencia personal a pesar de que dicen ha sido esta edición la más dura de los últimos años ha sido extraordinaria. Nadé muy cómodo desde el principio en un grupo que no iba rápido por lo que no fue físicamente muy exigente y pude disfrutar del trayecto y mirar a mi alrededor como si de un entrenamiento en mar se tratase. Se que hubo gente que lo pasó mal, otros se retiraron por mareo y vómitos pero yo la disfruté y salvo el último 2000m por las corrientes fui con una sonrisa todo el trayecto.

Nadando Libre · ¿Crees que esta travesía puede llegar a ser muy dura y complicada para nadadores poco experimentados?

Javier Sanz · Creo que no es la piscina ,ni siquiera el pantano, el mar tiene sus normas y es quien decide. Creo que nadie debe hacer una maratón sin correr antes una media.

Nadando Libre · ¿En una escala de 0 a 10 en que nivel de dificultad situarías esta travesía?

Javier Sanz · ¡Es difícil una pregunta tan fácil Jose! Si llego a ir en el grupo más rápido seguro que diría 9 o 10. Hay que conocerse bien a si mismo y nadar acorde con tus tiempos es entonces cuando la ecuación sacrificio-satisfacción-dureza nos cuadra.

Nadando Libre · ¿Por que decidiste hacer esta genial travesía?

Javier Sanz · Bueno como el IM de lanzarote es al triatlón, la Bocaina es a las travesías en España. Cuando llevas un tiempo haciendo travesías y la escuchas, hablas con "enfermos" que la han nadado y... la nadas! algo tiene que el 80% de los que han nadado este año2011 son repetidores. Esta travesía es la referencia.

Nadando Libre · ¿En que medida impresiona nadar en ese maravilloso azul profundo?

Javier Sanz · Es alucinante, lo más! cuando el agua no está turbia la visibilidad es muy alta y nadar con más gente y embarcaciones de apoyo te da mucha seguridad. El ir abriendo el agua me permitió ver una hermosa tortuga,al parecer lo más esquivo de la fauna local. El piraguista me dijo que era mi dia de suerte. En zonas mas costeras es frecuente ver lenguados y rayas,pero no fue el caso.

Nadando Libre · ¿Lo mejor de la travesía y lo peor?

Javier Sanz · Lo mejor sin duda, los apoyos y ánimos de mis amigos, en especial los de mi familia que me ha apoyado en todo momento. Lo peor decir a Tiago ,el piraguista guia que se quedase con Noemi y el otro nadador que nos acompañaba. Era una zona de muchísima corriente y apenas se avanzaba, decidí nadar a tope para salir de esa zona,ya no podía esperar a nadie, me agobié nadar encima de la misma piedra durante 10 min, eran los últimos 1500m. Posteriormente he oído que algunos nadadores fueron sacados de esa zona para dejarlos unos metros más adelante.

Nadando Libre · ¿Que volumen de metros, entrenamientos y pruebas en aguas abiertas has necesitado para poder nadar y disfrutar durante toda la prueba?

Javier Sanz · La constancia es importante en cualquier deporte para ver resultados, en contra de lo que pueda perecer no nadaba demasiado, 3 días a la semana entre 3.500 y 4.500m ahora bien ,si es cierto que muchos fines de semana nadaba en mar, sesiones continuas de una hora o dos. El último mes no bajaba de 15000 m a la semana y un entreno en mar de casi tres horas seguidas. 
Entre las travesías que he nadado este año puedo enumerar,Cullera 10km, Denia 5Km ,isla de Benidorm, Javea 5km y recuerdo que tras terminar volví al punto de partida nadando otros 5km... muchos madrugones!

Nadando Libre · ¿De todas las travesías que has nadado esta es la mas larga y complicada?

Javier Sanz · La más larga sin duda,la más complicada por la incómoda fauna local fue los 10km de Cullera.

Nadando Libre · ¿Que consejos darías principalmente a todos los que quieran disfrutar de esta majestuosa travesía de la Bocaina?

Javier Sanz · Los consejos que yo daría es que lleven todo probado. gafas, neoprenos, desayuno, geles o biodramina si se marean. Que no improvisen nada el día de la prueba. Detalles como llevar las gafas demasiado apretadas puede derivar en mucho dolor,un neopreno demasiado pequeño puedes no apreciarlo en una hora de nado pero en más de dos puede terminar con una sobre carga en el hombro por no hablar de las temibles rozaduras en el cuello. Les diría que naden mucho en mar y por supuesto en grupo. El gorro amarillo es el que mejor se ve y si lleva una bolla aún mejor.

Nos vemos en el mar!!

·Jose Diaz·
Especial agradecimientos a:

El Club Triatlón Vulcano, Oliver Acuña. Coordinador deportivo de la Travesía La Bocaina.  Deportista y Finisher La Bocaina.

Y a Javier Sanz director deportivo del Club natación Alcobendas y Finisher La Bocaina 2011.

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011

Nadandolibre Online · Jose Diaz · Chris Palfrey · Un nadador en esencia...

Hoy tenemos el placer de presentar y entrevistar desde Nadandolibre Online Open Water a uno de los hombres con mas experiencia en el mundo de la natación de aguas abiertas. El australiano Chirs Palfrey nadador de éxito que viaja por el mundo conquistando grandes canales de natación junto a su mujer y récord mundial Penny Palfrey 
La experiencia de Chris en este mundo de las aguas abiertas es tan grande como su valentía ante desafíos en aguas abiertas con una dificultad extrema y un alto riesgo por encuentros con animales acuáticos extremadamente peligrosos.

Al parecer este nadador controla su mente y sus capacidades fisiológicas como no muchos otros seres humanos pueden  llegar hacer.

El ha conseguido conquistar canales sin precedentes y una gran lista de cruces en todo el mundo.

   Chris Palfrey
Jose Diaz · En su amplia carrera como nadador de aguas abiertas usted ha nadado en muchos de los mas duros y grandes canales del mundo y pose un currículo deportivo completamente impresionante, en los que podemos destacar los cruces de 4 grandes canales en el archipiélago de las islas Hawai, Canal de Catalina, El estrecho de Gibraltar, 3 circunnavegaciones a la isla de Manhattan y un largo etc.. Aparte de nadar en lugares completamente pioneros y sin precedentes.

Pero seria todo un honor para nosotros desde Nadandolibre España poder profundizar con usted y escuchar de su propia voz un breve relato, sobre su historia y sus comienzos en natación y el origen de su trayectoria en aguas abiertas.

· ¿Puede contarme algo sobre sus comienzos en el mundo de la natación?

· ¿Como es su historia acuática desde el comienzo hasta los días de hoy?

Chris Palfrey ·  No era nadador cuando era pequeño. Empecé a nadar de adulto. La primera vez fue haciendo submarinismo, aquí en North Point Side hay unos acantilados cerca de casa y tuve que aprender a nadar para poder bucear. Nadé muy poco, probablemente solo unos cientos de metros ..quizá un kilómetro máximo… No nadaba muy bien, no tenía muy buena técnica, pero me gustaba nadar. Esto fue probablemente a principios de los ochenta. Entonces, en 1987 un amigo mío hacía triatlón, y yo corría, y a mí me gustaba eso, pero no tenía mucha práctica con la bici. Intenté hacer triatlón con mi amigo. La primera vez que lo hice había que nadar 1.500 metros , y llegué el penúltimo, fui muy muy lento. Pero disfruté del triatlón, y me gustó el hecho de estar en forma, entonces pensé..bueno..voy a nadar un poco más ..así no soy el último la próxima vez, (ININTELIGIBLE) corrí durante años y tuve varias lesiones por ello, tuve problemas en la espinilla y en la parte interna del pie, y cada vez que tenía una lesión por correr iba nadar para recuperarme, y eso hizo que nadara mejor. Y llegó un momento en que era mejor nadando que corriendo, y realmente disfrutaba corriendo, pero al tener tantas lesiones después de un tiempo dejé de hacer triatlón aunque continué con la natación. Me gusta, soy bueno en ello y cuanto más lo hago mejor me sale; me imagino que así es como empecé a nadar en aguas abiertas. Me gusta mucho más nadar en aguas abiertas que en la piscina, me encanta, así que de manera natural me encaminé en esa dirección. Conocí a Penny y lo que hacía en natación y tenía un nivel muy alto, mucho mejor que el mío y empezamos a hacer estas cosas juntos. Volviendo a mediados de los noventa, tuvimos a nuestros hijos y obviamente no podíamos estar nadando continuamente y viajando ...¿… (ININTELIGIBLE) (ININTELIGIBLE)…… 

Penny siempre quiso cruzar el Canal de la Mancha, así que en 2006 decidimos que los niños eran suficientemente grandes, decidimos gastar el dinero que teníamos ahorrado para que pudiera hacerlo. En el año de preparación estuvo entrenándose y decidió que sí, que quería hacerlo, y yo la apoyé. En ese año de preparación también fuimos a varios sitios, entre ellos a España, y cruzamos el Estrecho de Gibraltar, en 2006, lo hicimos juntos. En el 2010 volvimos a nadar allí, y me dieron esta camiseta que no se si podréis ver bien. Así que me imagino que esos son mis comienzos, pero aun no soy un gran nadador. Ahora ya me acerco a los 50, y sigo sin ser tan bueno como Penny, pero disfruto de los retos que implica este deporte y sigo disfrutando de la forma física que me aporta la natación. A través de esto hemos viajado a muchos sitios del mundo y hemos conocido a gente fantástica.

Próxima entrega: Pregunta dos:

Jose Díaz ·  Usted a nadado en lugares donde muchos de los seres humanos que se consideran mortales tendrían miedo incluso en acercarse a las playas como es el caso de La isla Verde en Queenisland (Australia).

Tiburones, cocodrilos marinos, y las temidas medusas Xironex son algunos de los amables visitantes en estas aguas.

  • Realmente usted no siente ningún tipo de temor o miedo al nadar en estas aguas?
  • ¿Cree que este tipo de temores son entrenables o solo algunos elegidos como usted los incluyen en su ADN?
  • Algún consejo para superar estos temores lógicos?

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2011

· Teresa Planas · WR · Menorca Channel · 'Marathon swimming alone, to be remembered is perhaps the real secret to immortality'·

Teresa Planas
·WR Menorca Channel·

Menorca Channel a large unexplored marine corridor for the vast majority of swimmers and fans around the world open water swimming with great potential in this fast expanding sport discipline.Teresa Planas get this impact with a new world record at the famous islands known worldwide as the Mallorquinas, a spot reliving favorite memories for some of the brave swimmers who fulfilled dreams in Spanish Mediterranean waters.

The channel's history was written in the silver sea at night, while the ships sailed to accompany the adventurous swimmers from the radiant shores of Spanish coastline.The 36 km that separate the sister islands of Menorca to Mallorca through the sandy deserts adorned by large sheets of Posidonia, re-emerging from the splendor thanks to the bravery of the swimmers as Teresa Planas.

She then negotiated with her soul, contained and controled her fear in order to head for Mallorca to swim through the canal, with her team looking to conquer the great marine corridor.
Hours of swimming, accompanied by songs and the free pass deep thoughts clear waters of the jewel of the Spanish channels, Canal de Menorca.Teresa is now the fastest swimmer of the channel, to conquer and set a world record which she has picked up as a beautiful and unexpected priceless treasure.Little was known of the channel, the great unknown and almost undocumented history of the great swimmers as Teresa, who are enriching its history through their achievements and contributions to the media.Teresa found her passage, without giving up, arm in arm subjecting the channel to a new récord.In the dark of night, nor the battle that she had to fight with her fears that she had to surrender ...

Now and for all followers of Nadandolibre, Teresa tells us about this great episode , honoured with our attention, how she conquered the Grand Canal in Menorca.

 Jose Diaz • It's really a honor for us Nadandolibre to interview you and to write a short story about your history and your start in competitive swimming and the origin of your career in open water swimming.
How is your openwater story from beginning to the days where you got to conquer the Canal de Menorca and set a new world record?
Teresa Planas • For starters, thank you for your interest and attention. I feel very flattered that a blog like yours, with interviews with world-class swimmers, is interested in the challenge made, Swimming in Illes (Swimming between Island).
I started competing in swimming at the age of eight years, with the sole purpose of having fun playing sports, what is typical at that age. At ten I started out a little and at 13 entered the School of Sport Balear (EBE), now called Centre de Tecnificació Esportiva de les Illes Balears (CTEIB), which allowed me to combine school and sports. Obtained good results, achieving podium finishes at the state level at 100 and 200 butterfly for several years, was selected for several international competitions with the junior team and obtaining the qualification for the European Junior Championship 2003 in Glasgow, aged 16. My results were good (though compared to the times that the girls make today on the 200 butterfly I would not be getting in the A final) but even so, my coach and I both agreed that I fell short in speed on the 200 butterfly.
Every year I enrolled in the Travessa de Formentor, held in September in Mallorca. It's 7km and I used to always win with good times, in addition to enjoying a long swim in the sea. I was good at it and assimilated it even better. But I did not plan anything.
At age 19 I stopped competing. First, because I dragged a serious shoulder injury since I was 17, and second, because I wanted to focus on college. But I kept training, making the journey I have ganándola.Today I'm 24 and have never ceased to swim, although workouts have never been a priority, since I focused on finishing my studies.

Jose Diaz • How is the dream born within you of wanting to swim across the difficult channel, that reasons that have led you to want to conquer this Menorca's channel?
Teresa Planas • After several years of non-stop train (at my own pace) but without competing, I decided that I wanted to have extra motivation. I knew that as he had never stopped swimming, it cost me to get back into rhythm. I remembered that I really like the sea, I'm good swim in it and wanted to do something big, unusual and Balearic Islands. Thus arose the idea of ​​crossing the Canal de Menorca. Heard he had not made any Spaniard before (neither male nor female) was a extra motivation.

Jose Diaz • What are the main problems that a swimmer find across this channel? Do you have anything special?
Teresa Planas • biggest difficulties you find is to find the time to train! No, seriously. It is a complex channel. No problems with water temperature (I found it about 25 degrees), no dangerous animals (as long as you take a few jellyfish stings), the weather is usually good (you must be aware of the wind), but ocean currents are a sensitive issue in this channel. If a swimmer wants to cross, you must be very aware of the currents, since they are the biggest problem will be found. It was my biggest concern because I knew that the currents can force you into the boat and stop the attempt.

Succesful crossings before her were:

Kendall Mellor in October 1968 with a time of 16 hours and 18 minutes.
The second successful attempt was performed by Montserrat Tresseras on July 16, 1969 with a time of 21 hours and 7 minutes.
The third successful attempt was made by Kevin Murphi on October 8, 1972 with a time of 15 hours and 41 minutes
The fourth successful attempt was made by Miquel Suner on July 19, 2009 with a record time of 12 hours and 19 minutes 00 seconds.
The fifth successful attempt was made by Selina Moreno on July 3, 2010 with a time of 18 hours and 20 minutes.
Theresa was the sixth that succesfull crossed the Grand Canal in Menorca in a record time of 12h, 18m, 42s on September 11, 2011.

Jose Diaz • Now you improved the record time set by Miquel Suner with a few seconds.
- Did you have thought about breaking this record?
- How do you feel knowing that only a few seconds have been enough to get recorded in the history of the Canal de Menorca with a new historical record?
- You have the current record .... Did you expected to break the best record Murphi Kevin?

Teresa Planas • The tought of beating the record was something that even I had not thought of. Didn't thought about. Figured I could do, as best time, 14 hours, going so good. Didn't think about  Miquels record.
Of course, I have to say I am very proud and happy knowing that I have defeated a world-best record, but I must also say that the sea is no pool and one can not calculate everything. It is true that during the journey the team told me that I was below the record time and there they started to take it into account. And in the end I sprinted for 200 meters and I beat that time, but do I think that is 100% relevant, since in the sea a lot can happen and those 18 seconds I have broken the record with can be the result of coincidence, chance (a shorter supplies or longer, stretching 5 times instead of 6 ...).
To be honest, though, as I said, I am very happy for the record, there is an issue that concerns me more. I would like it to be considered by all open water channel swimmers in the world. If you beat a record soon it means that you're considering equally levelled people, but our goal is to come, enjoy the challenge and if you break the record, more joy for all.

Jose Diaz • How many months of preparation you had to achieve a feat like this? What have you done in total training volume to confront this distance, how many hours did you devote to acclimatization? What temperature swam, What group of human beings have formed your team?

Teresa Planas • I began preparing last February, but had to stop many times for exams, so it was difficult to have consistency in training until the end of the course, which was in July. I started then training consistently. I used to do a morning session about 7km in the pool and trained about 4 days a week at sea, with sessions of at least 6km. Maybe I got a 60/65 km weekly peaks, which is not much for a test of this type.
For acclimatization I took no time because the temperature would not be a problem. As I said, the water was 24-25 degrees. I did not feel cold at any time. I did have to train swimming at night, because I had never done that. The first time made a big impression. I left exhausted from the tension during the training.
About the team, I had the best I could have. Two patrones, Toni Contestí (of Xtrm Events Sports and Adventures), a doctor, my coach, my father and my boyfriend accompanied me. A fantastic team. Each one did their assigned role. I feel very fortunate to have had them with me.

Jose Diaz •Can you narrate for the global community of open water, like a captain would in a logbook, how your great adventure  development... What time you started to swim, how many aid stations you had to do, or what were the main sources of energy you use in your food or in the water?, What was the thought that was repeated more times in your head as swimmer in the channel? ... Do you always hum a song while you swim a long distance?
Tell us your great story.

Teresa Planas • I jumped into the water from the Cap d'Artrutx at 3:45 am. It was very dark. I was swimming at night for three hours, until dawn and picked up strokewith the security that light gave me. I really had a hard time with the dark, because in addition to several jellyfish that stung me during the night I got a little nervous the first few miles. It was about 3.2-3.3 km / h, a slower pace than I wanted, but at dawn, with the confidence I gained, I began to swim 4.5 km / h, well above what we had planned. So I held that pace until kilometer 34, I started having some current against and got a slower pace. Besides the energies were exhausted, of course. I arrived almost at 16:05, two hours ahead of schedule.
The issue of food went as we had well learned, well planned, but the supplies provided complied with the first 10 km only. Then I drank and ate erratically whenever I felt the need, without getting thirsty or hungry (only the last 3km, which I did not stop). I'm not a good example, I only ate two Nutella sandwiches, two or three chocolate chip cookies, half a banana and some 4 gels. Not wanting to eat something else (there was no way for me to enter anything) I began to dilute the energy gels can of drink, and obtained a higher caloric intake without eating, just drinking. Just drank 4 liters. As I said I'm not a good example, you have to eat and especially drink more! Do not stop me now, Queen. Do not stop me now, 'cos I'm Having Such a good time'. I was thinking and singing that for 40 km. That was my spirit. I had a hard time, but never stopped reminding me how much I was enjoying for doing what I had planned more then year and a half. You have to stay mentally strong, but above all stable.

Jose Diaz • As current holder WR in the channel what are your intentions in order to promote this great international crossing, this great journey in the Spanish Mediterranean?

Teresa Planas • More Later on we will set up an association called Swimming Menorca Channel. It is a nonprofit organization that tries to find companies interested in working with swimmers who want to cross the channel. On one side is the association and other enterprises. We seek to provide the swimmer with the fact of coming to the islands, stay, get support craft, helpers, energy supplements, etc.. So that he can focus on training and the channel crossing would entails the least possible expense.
In addition, the Menorca Channel Swimming is seeking ways to collaborate with the Spanish Association against Cancer, so we can give visibility to the work of this association and also dedicate some money, thus bringing together two beautiful reasons: solidarity and sports.
My role in Menorca Channel Swimming is the ambassador of it, that sounds very pompous, but it is a simple and rewarding work. From the Association, we want a channel that has a name with swimmers at local, national and international level, since it is a relatively unexplored test. As a swimmer who has made, I'll look forward to make it known and try to encourage as many swimmers, the more the better. In addition, try to facilitate contact with the Association because then the swimmer who wants to cross the channel will have everything you need in one place. The Association can facilitate this andone would not have to go "looking for life" when the only concern should be to train. It is further noted that the Balearic Islands offer a unique territory in the world and is excellent for sports.

Jose Diaz • If a swimmer wants to swim and conquer this beautiful canal where you can get all the necessary information? With whom are you speaking?

Teresa Planas • To receive more information can contact Toni Contestí Coll. Email: toni.contesti.coll @ gmail.com(Tel: 634 513 543). Until we launch later project of the Association, it is he who can organize such trips, the product of his company Xboss Xtrm Sports Events and Adventures.
In addition, soon will open the website with all the information:

Jose Diaz • A crossing of the Strait of Gibraltar will cost approximately € 1500 for a maximum of 4 swimmers to cross the Strait to swim .. How much will crossing the Canal de Menorca cost?
Teresa Planas • The costs will be approximately between about 2500 and 3000 euros depending on what services the swimmer want to hire . The costs of what we offer consist of certified companies that perform services (boat, fuel, helpers, doctor, etc.).. Only one annual membership fee must be paid to the association of 250 euros in respect of the certification work, observer, processing permits and so on. However, the Menorca Channel Swimming Associationwill offer some services to help swimmers to afford these challenges. It's an innovative idea and they have come to an agreement with a hotel company to get the swimmer a discount on their stay in exchange for carrying the company's advertising and participating in press conferences before and after the trip. On the other hand, the  Menorca Channel Swimming Association give swimmers an overview of all the press clippings and impact of their journey in the media to show to their sponsors and get help. The Channel Swimming Menorca will put on their web these summaries of the other swimmers who have made the attempt for swimmers to have a material with which to look for sponsors.

Jose Diaz • What is the relation between your challenge and the Spanish Association Against Cancer?
Teresa Planas • I wanted to collaborate with the Spanish Association Against Cancer at first to give visibility to the work of this Association. Furthermore, from the beginning we thought we could find values ​​similar in the fact necessary to swim a journey of this nature and having a disease like cancer. We talked about a process (both the disease and a crossing) which we do not know the ending, but always based on values ​​such as effort, perseverance, positivity, strength and perseverance keep stroking and struggling every day to our process has a happy ending . Of course, I can not my intention to lecture anyone, because I am one and because I can not put in the shoes of someone suffering from cancer, but our intention was to try to convey a little motivation and hope through the AECC . The experience has been very, very good and both sides are very proud.
We are the first team to collaborate with this association. In the summer of 2010 Selina Moreno a swimmer from Valencia uccessfully crossed the Menorca Channel, with a time of 18 hours and 20 minutes, collaborating with the Spanish Association Against Cancer.

Jose Diaz • What is your future as a solo marathon swimmer? What future projects do you think about?
Teresa Planas • at the moment I'm trying to absorb everything that happened this past month. I'm really enjoying this moment because I managed to actually realize a dream born in my head with little chance of materializing, and I feel privileged. I also want to learn from all that has happened on this journey. While, of course I'm imagining possible challenges, but I have no exact and clear idea. What I can say with certainty is that this has been a wonderful starting point, so if all goes well and the sea and the circumstances will allow me, I will go gradually building a future in this world of ultra distance.

Thank you very much my friend Niek, of Open Water Europe, for its publication and translation into English.

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